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Read about scaling axes. Then, on your paper, copy the incomplete axes below and write the missing numbers on each one.  

  1. Vertical axis, labeled Time in seconds with 6 marks, labeled as follows: First, 0, fourth, 60 and sixth, 100. 

    Look at the two ticks labeled and . What is the difference of and ? How many spaces are between them?

    See the number line below.

    Vertical axis, labeled Time in seconds, with 6 marks, labeled as follows, from bottom to top: 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100.

  1. Vertical axis, labeled Time in seconds, with 6 marks, labeled as follows: first, 0, fifth, 60. 

    What do you need to divide 60 by to get the number of spaces between each tick mark?

  1. Vertical axis, labeled Mass in grams, with 6 marks, labeled as follows: first, 0, fifth, 100. 

    What do you need to divide 100 by to get the number of spaces between each tick mark?

  1. Vertical axis, labeled Mass in grams, with 6 marks, labeled as follows: first, 0, third, 100.

    See part (c).